Thursday, November 20, 2008


OK soooo going to BJ is out because i don't have the money like i thought i would....SOOOOOO
i am frustrated i don't know what to do. I can't find a job. I have applied EVERYWHERE and nothin....not even holiday help. Apparently God is trying to teach me SOMETHING because this keeps happening.....I get a job and keep it for awhile and something happens and then its like 6 months b4 i can get another one......I DON'T GET IT....i am trying to pay attention to what God is trying to teach me. I don't know.

I am trying to figure out what to do for school. I had a long talk with my sis in law and friend Beth and i think maybe i may go talk to a counselor at ab-tech and see if they have something for a high school history teacher and/ or maybe computers. I love history and i love teens sooo i think it should work. I am scared about having a hard time with the school work...BUT i have enough ppl around me that can help me. SO i think i should be ok!!! So i will let you know.

I just want to be happy and if i am honest with myself i am not happy not even a little bit....

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